So I've had a rough go. This last month has... sucked to put it bluntly. I felt I was finally coming around when.... my basement flooded. Seven inches of water across the entire basement and mold... lots of mold! Well... all my of pen pal envelope decor... is in the basement. <SIGHS> Not a whole lot I could do. So I've been piling up boxes of wet stickers, paper and envelopes and heaving them in a dumpster. Worst of it all... insurance won't cover any of it. We paid a pretty penny to fix the pipe...which isn't included in our deductible... and recording everything.... It's not worth it! So I've been pitching. Which is somewhat good for me too. I'm the one in the family who always had everything pawned on her! Which I feel bad some precious heirlooms are lost due to mold... but I'm also glad... I can say "Oh that item? Yeahhhhh it got lost in our basement flood." :)
But back to penpaling. Am I the only one who has trouble using colored ink? I love using a black pen! I think my writing Is neater and easier to read! Then I get these cutesy letters with color print and feel I'm not doing something right. I just wrote a letter with a pink pen.... it took all my will power not to rip it out of the envelope and start over! Lol so do you have this black pen addiction too?
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