Saturday, March 30, 2013

OutGoing Mail March 30, 2013

When I was thrift store shopping, (which I LOVE doing lately) I was looking at books for my nursery and stopped in my tracks when I saw... a HUGE stack of coloring books for .25!!! Who can resist such cuteness at such a low cost? So I sat on the floor and picked some out for my nieces and nephew and then got the idea.... to alter them with cardstock to make cuter envies! (I've done the coloring pages before... but never thought to add Cardstock! :) So... There will probably be a slew of these coming since I bought 2 dollars worth of coloring books!

The Following Envies are a few I sent out as "thank you's"
for my Baby Shower! :) 
(I did NOT load all of them!)

InComing Mail- March 30, 2013

I feel like all I say lately is "Sorry! I'm so behind!" 
That runs true here! 
All I do is go to work, come home and sleep. Most of the time I'm not sleeping because my Acid Reflux is so incredibly awful! All the Ladies who say being pregnant is the best feeling in the world... I'm calling your Bluff! ha ha ha!

P.S. If your my pal and I didn't post your envie... It's not that I don't have MAD love for you... I'm just loosing it! LOL
My Sister (above) decided to use a book jacket that the library was just going to pitch and turn it into an envie! :D Some people's craftiness! :) I'll keep that In mind if I'm ever pitching a book jacket now!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Latest Incomings and Outgoings-

So Here's my Hospital band for proof that this 34 week lil man in my belly, is KICKING my butt!
I normally don't post when pals send me 'gifts' or surprises... but I could NOT believe how perfectly timed my two goodie packages were received! (I got them the next day after spending all day in the hospital)

My Theme is Sock Monkeys so my dear pal in Indiana sent me a reindeer sock monkey, So Cute! Well Rather she sent it for Josiah! (ignore me looking like crap... I haven't felt good in months!)

The shot I was going for above... didn't work! LOL but my New Pal in England sent me some Lovely Chocolates! I was overwhelmed when I opened it!! 
My pal Made her first Envie! (above) She's to Critical... it came out GORGEOUS! :) 

My Outgoing Below: